How Stretchology is Benefiting Your Health and Sleep | Knot Me
When you're feeling stressed out, your body is in a fight-or-flight state. This increases cortisol levels and can make it difficult to relax and fall asleep. Stretchology can help reduce stress levels, promoting relaxation and better sleep. In fact, one study showed that after eight weeks of stretch therapy, participants had a significant decrease in cortisol levels.
Poor blood circulation is another common cause of difficulty falling and staying asleep. Stretching can help improve blood circulation, leading to a deeper, more restful sleep. Additionally, an increased range of motion can help you feel more comfortable when trying to get into a relaxed position for sleep.
Finally, stretching provides pain relief which can be helpful if you're struggling with aches and pains that are keeping you from a good night's sleep. By helping your muscles relax, Stretchology can help alleviate pain from an injury or chronic condition so you can drift off to sleep more easily.
So if you're struggling with stress, blood circulation, and/or pain that's keeping you up at night, try adding stretch sessions. Stretching can help you stay healthier and sleep better, helping reduce health risks that are associated with poor sleep.
The benefits of Stretchology are apparent when taken part in regularly. Not only will you look amazing, but sleep better too! Try it today and see the benefits tomorrow.
Stretching has many benefits other than being a form of exercise for your muscles. Stretching can make it easier to fall asleep, decrease cortisol levels to relax, increase blood circulation for more restful sleep, and decrease pain from chronic conditions or injuries so you can drift off to sleep more easily. If you are struggling with stress, sleeping issues due to blood flow, or an injury/chronic condition affecting your sleep try adding stretch sessions into your routine. You will feel healthier and be able to get the amount of sleep needed each night for good overall health.
If you want to get a more restful night of sleep, visit Knot Me and take part in Stretchology treatments.